The first week home with baby is one of the most love-filled, exhausting, challenging, emotional, and blissful times during the beginning stages of parenthood. I know for my first baby, like most first-time parents, everything was trial and error and I was flying by the seat of my pants. I bought WAY too much stuff and was truly winging it.
After my second child, I got a good handle on what I was doing and knew the items that I needed; I also had a good roadmap for that first week. That said, we went ahead and compiled a list of tips for all you new parents out there as well as our top product recommendations for your first week home with baby.

7 Tips for the First Week Home with Baby
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
I know when I had my eldest, I tried to do it all: get up with the baby, change the baby, make food, clean, etc. Thankfully for me, I had my Mom and Husband there constantly getting up, helping me, and telling me to just ask for help and that they would do it.
Take advantage of free breastfeeding educational resources
To piggyback on not being afraid of asking for general help, it is also important to ask for help breastfeeding. There are so many amazing resources out there; for me, I asked the nurses at the hospital and before I left, they had me meet with a breastfeeding consultant who also introduced me to our county resources. When I got home, I contacted the county resource and they sent a breastfeeding consultant to my house, who then helped me more.
There are so many resources for breastfeeding through blogs online. Here are some from Rookie Moms.
Sleep and get as much rest as possible
You know that saying “sleep when the baby sleeps,” well that is one of the most helpful tips I received when I first became a mom. I know a lot of us, me included, try to get everything done when we have the opportunity, but the first week home is not the time to get it all done. The first week home with your baby is a time for you just to enjoy your baby and rest.
Do not worry about the laundry or the cleaning; that can wait. Take this time to sleep and enjoy your new little addition.
Postpartum Symptoms
Postpartum symptoms are talked about in the hospital, normally in that little packet of information that they give you while you are checking out. However, very commonly us new moms do not have the time to read through them prior to getting those symptoms. Symptoms can include but are not limited to bleeding, fatigue, soreness, discomfort, and a lot of emotions.
We also recommend that if for any reason you are concerned about any of your symptoms to consult your OBGYN.
You are the best Mom for your Baby
When you first become a mom, you are going to get a parade of opinions. Opinions from family, friends, co-workers, and strangers. Remember that you are the perfect mom for your baby, and you have a built intuition to know what is right for your baby. Setting healthy boundaries around people who overstep those decisions is the best way to keep your relationships as well as your confidence as a mom.
Freezer Meal for the Win!
Prior to going to the hospital at the end of your pregnancy, it is so helpful if you and your partner meal prep some freezer meals for you both to have after you return home with your little one. You have no idea how helpful it is when both of you have been up all night and day and have no energy to make dinner or go out and get food. Popping a freezer meal in the microwave or oven is the perfect saving grace for those moments.
Make your Baby Supplies Mobile
We lived in a three-story townhome when I had both my children, so having baby supplies like diapers, wipes and baby rash cream on multiple floors was such a life saver. One of the things my Husband made was a little mobile basket that he would stock every morning and carry from room to room. The last thing you want to do is to undo that stinky diaper and to have all your wipes upstairs; make those diapers mobile!
Rookie Moms Favorite “First Week at Home with Baby” Products!
Now that we gave you all our tips, we are excited to share our favorite and must-have products for that first week at home with baby!
Elvie Curve Manual Wearable Breast Pump
The Elvie Curve manual wearable breast pump lets you gently express milk using natural suction when you let-down while you’re feeding or pumping on your other breast, or whenever your breasts feel full. You have no idea how many times I would be feeding the baby and my other breast would start leaking! This is such a lifesaver and the perfect gift for a new Mom.

The DockATot is the ultimate docking station for newborns and babies for up to 8 months. This is a great product to have in the living room as a place to lay your little one down next to you, or for diaper time, tummy time, lounging, playing, cuddling and supervised napping.
SNOO Smart Sleeper Baby Bassinet
Finding the perfect bassinet to help your little one sleep through the night is important for you to have a good first week home with baby. The SNOO Smart Sleeper Baby Bassinet is a bedside crib with automatic rocking motions and soothing white noise. The SNOO claims to boost 1-2+ hours per night, so parents get more sleep than with other baby cribs or smart furniture.
Owlet Smart Sock 2 Baby Monitor
For me, one of the hardest transitions during the first week home with baby was being able to get sleep while the baby slept. My worries and stresses took over. Now, though, with the Owlet Smart Sock you can worry less and sleep better by tracking your baby’s heart rate and oxygen levels.
Owlet uses clinically proven pulse oximetry and notifies you through your phone if something appears wrong. Have complete peace of mind knowing that the Owlet is tracking, and you can get some sleep.
Belly Bandit Postpartum Luxe Belly Wrap
Marketed as the ultimate in targeted postpartum compression and support, the Belly Bandit Postpartum Luxe Belly Wrap is such a life saver during your postpartum stages. From back pain to postpartum comfort, you might want to add this one to your baby registry list.
About the Author
Ashland Hendrix from

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Frequently Asked Questions
What happens the first week of home with a newborn?
The first week home with baby is one of the most love-filled, exhausting, challenging, emotional, and blissful times during the beginning stages of parenthood. It is really all about getting to know one another and figuring out your new normal.
How do I survive my first few weeks with a baby?
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
Take advantage of free breastfeeding educational resources
Sleep and get as much rest as possible
Stock up on freezer meals
Remember you are the best Mom for your Baby
What is postpartum?
Postpartum is the period after the delivery of a baby. The postpartum time period is generally between 4-6 weeks, but the healing can last up to a year.
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