Julian, the rookie baby who inspired this site, turned 6 years old on Friday.

At 6 months, he allowed me to take his photo like this.

He had more input on the shot this year
I prepared a survey for Julian to fill out to mark this point in time, the first birthday on which he was capable of independently reading and writing responses to a questionnaire, and it included the question, “What do you love about yourself?”
For most of us, this would stop us in our tracks, right? Deep thoughts. Self-doubt. Questioning. For Julian, it was so simple.
I could drone on and on about how special I think this child is, but I won’t bore you.
Trust me, he is the smartest, most gifted, and amazingly affectionate boy on the planet. And it’s not just my opinion; his dad totally agrees.
A bit delayed, October in review, minus the Halloween-related posts. (But wait, first read my latest post on BabyCenter.com, Would you send your kids to Camp Grandma?)
Posted on Rookie Moms last month
Rain boots: a cautionary tale
Sonja’s Fearless Friday: A day without diapers
Activity #271: Make a cheap-o rattle
Kale chips for kids, by Auntie Karen
Stop copying me! A post about twins
Sunday Supper: cooking big with One-Dish Dinners
Amy’s Fearless Friday: the fear of other mothers
Activity #87: Photoshop your memories
The Mystery of the Rookie Mom
Activity #171: Have a ball
Fearless Friday: Erica lets Daddy do his thing
Activity #55: Feed your baby pumpkin
Activity #51: Print baby trading cards
4 sanity-saving cooking strategies
Activity #1: Take a babymoon
Nicole’s Fearless Friday
4 useful baby feeding tools
Is blood thicker than corn syrup?
Ellen Pompeo talks about diapers and motherhood
Ariana’s Fearless Friday
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