From stretch marks, leaky breasts, to literally growing a beard (yes, you can grow hair on your face!) it’s clear pregnancy can cause your body to do some WEIRD stuff. However, in this article, I am going to discuss some pregnancy complications you may have that you should ALWAYS, 100% of the time bring up to your doctor.
Signs to call your doctor when pregnant!

1) Bleeding
Vaginal bleeding is always scary during pregnancy. When you’ve gone months without a period, a drop of blood in the toilet can be quite nerve-wracking.
Some women do experience bleeding in the first trimester, as the baby implants to the uterine wall. This is usually described as very light spotting, many times happening even before you find out you are pregnant.
Causes for vaginal bleeding include:
- Problems with the placenta, including a previa or an abruption: A placenta previa is when the placenta is implanted close to or fully covering the cervix. Typically, this is not harmful to the baby, unless the bleeding is excessive. A placental abruption is when the placenta detaches from the uterine wall, either partially or completely. A placental abruption is an emergency and is usually accompanied by constant jarring abdominal pain in the location of the abruption.
- Miscarriage: Miscarriage is commonly accompanied by abdominal cramping, and heavy, bright red bleeding. The further along you are in your pregnancy, the more severe the cramping and heavier the bleeding will be.
- Sexual intercourse: Sex is a very common reason for vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. The cervix is very vascular (lots of blood flows to it), and any sort of manipulation can cause it to bleed.
- Abdominal trauma: External bodily trauma can cause vaginal bleeding, such as getting into a car accident or having a fall.
- Ectopic pregnancy: An ectopic pregnancy is a medical emergency and sometimes associated with vaginal bleeding. It is also associated with severe abdominal pain. This is when the embryo implants outside the uterus, commonly inside one of the fallopian tubes.
- Preterm labor: Similarly to how your cervix can bleed a bit when you are in labor at term, preterm labor commonly causes bleeding as you have contractions and your cervix changes.
- Uterine rupture: A uterine rupture is a very rare event, and would most likely happen to a woman who is in labor and has had a previous c-section. However, it can happen to anyone regardless of circumstance.
- Infection: Sometimes bacterial infections of the vagina, uterine infections, or sexually transmitted diseases can cause some bleeding.
2) Abdominal pain

There is only one time you should have abdominal pain that is warranted during your pregnancy, and that is when you are in labor! Labor after 37 weeks to be exact. All other instances should be brought up to your doctor, as abdominal pain can signal many different problems. Most of these I’ve brought up above in the bleeding section, but some common reasons include:
- Preterm labor
- Miscarriage
- Braxton-Hicks contractions
- Placental abruption
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Infections
- Uterine rupture
- Constipation
- Round ligament pain: The uterus is a muscle, and there are ligaments running alongside it on the front of your belly that stretch as your baby grows. Sometimes this stretching can be painful, and cause some discomfort during pregnancy. This will happen especially as you change positions. It’s important to note, round ligament pain is not at all harmful to baby.
3) Leaking
Amniotic fluid is the cushion that helps to protect baby during your pregnancy. It’s also important for baby’s lung maturity.
It’s common to have your water break spontaneously when you are in labor, however, sometimes it happens before you are term. This is what your OBGYN is concerned about if you report any vaginal leaking before week 37.
Sometimes vaginal infections can cause some increased discharge during pregnancy. Also, towards the end of your pregnancy, you may have an increase in this discharge as your body is preparing for labor.
Discharge is a different consistency than amniotic fluid, however. Amniotic fluid is usually in a much greater abundance, and much more watery than normal vaginal discharge.
If you think your water has broken at any time in your pregnancy, regardless of your gestational age, call your doctor. There are a number of tests that can be done to determine if you have or not.
4) A decrease in movement
When you are around 24 weeks pregnant, your doctor will talk to you about performing “fetal kick counts”. Fetal kick counts are an easy way to check to see if baby is doing ok!
Basically what you do is lie on your left side without any distractions, and pay attention to how your baby is moving.
You should do this at approximately the same time each day. I used to do it before I was drifting off to sleep at 8 am after a long night shift, because that’s when my baby liked to move the most!
You should count how many times baby moves, and how long it takes him/her to move. Any movement counts, from a small flutter to a huge kick. In order to “pass”, baby should move ten times in two hours. You can stop counting after baby has moved ten times. Sometimes babies move all ten times in the first minute! Sometimes it is closer to the two-hour mark. Either one is normal!
If baby does not move ten times in two hours, call your doctor. This can be a sign that baby is in distress. Think about when you feel sick and under the weather, you don’t like to move around, and you tend to like to stay in bed. This is the same reasoning behind why babies move less when they are stressed.
It is important to note that babies do have sleep cycles in the womb, and when babies are sleeping they don’t move as much. Babies tend to like to sleep when you are up moving around. This is why it’s important to do fetal kick counts when you are lying down, because this is when babies like to wake up!
5) Headache or blurry vision

When you go to your scheduled appointments, your doctor will always ask you if you have been having any headaches or blurry vision.
Headaches or blurry vision can be a sign of preeclampsia, a life-threatening pregnancy complication for you and baby.
Preeclampsia is more common towards the end of your pregnancy, but it may happen at any time after 20 weeks gestation. It is characterized by elevated blood pressures, swelling in your extremities, and protein in your urine. This is also the reason you must pee in a cup each time you go to the doctor!
Preeclampsia is dangerous for you because if your blood pressure is extremely high, it can cause you to have a seizure or a stroke. It is also very dangerous for the baby because as your blood pressure elevates, less blood flow and oxygen get to your placenta, which ultimately means less blood flow and oxygen for the baby.
I know I’ve said this a dozen times already, but PLEASE bring up any of these concerns to your doctor. Don’t rely on little ol’ me to diagnose your pregnancy complications. I am a nurse, but I’m not YOUR NURSE, nor am I a doc! My goal here is to educate. Please see my disclaimer. With that said, here’s to a safe and healthy pregnancy!
Happy Laboring!
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