I hope I’m not the first person to tell you that your baby won’t remember Christmas. Maybe your mom or mother-in-law tried to tell you this but they probably just sounded annoying, right? Save your money and your stress, Mama. This hilarious post on the Ugly Volvo reminds us that all your crawler really wants is lint and your laptop cords. But I digress.
I suggest you buy or make a commemorative Christmas tree ornament and a few items your baby already uses and call it a holiday. If you are too busy or overwhelmed to deal with a tree ornament this year — fear not! — you can create a custom ornament next year or any year after. So, you have my permission to skip that too. Stocking full of diapers and booty cream? Good job!
Here are a few other items you can put in your baby’s stocking on the first year without blowing the budget or your mind:
- Diapers. From your diaper bag. Done.
- Paci. For a binky baby, pick up a favorite pacifier, a novelty pacifier, a pacifier accessory (like a leash or capsule). I love the Wubbanub. When my baby graduated from his pacifier, I cut the soothie end off and he still keeps his Sheldon Bear as a beloved stuffed animal in bed. They come in so many cute animals, I had a hard time choosing.
- Rubber ducky or other bath toy. For a baby who still slurps on everything, I’d choose a reputable one that’s been tested for babies rather than a lead-painted one from OTC.
- Socks! Socks and undies are still the bulk of what fills my family’s stockings. I personally love these from Trumpette but have very strong opinions about children’s socks.
- Drool bibs. “Aww, Santa, you shouldn’t have,” is what your baby will think when she sees these cute drool bibs that look like fashion accessories. And the price is right for a multi-pack. (Note: my favorite feeding bib does not fold down to stocking size)
- Teething toy. I’m a big fan of the Haba wooden teethers but this baby bling teether is awesome in a different way.
- Sophie. Accept no substitutes. If your baby does not already have a special rubber French giraffe, shell out $20 and do it. Sophie’s long neck makes her particularly stocking-appropriate.
- The packaging. Got any long skinny Sophie-sized boxes? Perfect for a stocking!
Babies at Christmas are super cute. But wait a few years before you go nuts on gifts she won’t even notice.

Oh look, baby Milo doesn’t care about his stocking
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