We are obsessed with Halloween costumes for babies and toddlers, and for years have been taking note of any clever, especially homemade costumes that cross our paths. Here are some impressive costume ideas that we’ve spotted for little ones who are going to stay in their strollers while you’re out for the evening.
iPhone Baby.0

I made this iPhone costume from a piece of foam core to place over a stroller so that your baby is the photo on your screen. Simply tie the sides to the stroller’s frame. A full tutorial for this iPhone costume can be found here.
Very Hungry Caterpillar Bunting

Heather spied this cozy stroller bunting at a holiday toy preview event. The brand claimed it was for everyday cold weather use, but Heather thought it was obviously an excellent Halloween accessory. How easy is that?
We found the one in the car seat pictur and this other Hungry Caterpillar bunting on Amazon. There are openings in the back where you can insert the seat belt straps so your baby will be strapped in inside the bunting.
Mutt Cutts Van (for the Dumb and Dumber Fans)

Fans of Dumb and Dumber will recognize the Mutt Cutts van, produced by hot gluing fur-colored velvet to a push-car.
Blackjack Dealer

This costume is both hilarious and adorable, but I suppose all those accessories have got to be glued in place!
A Pirate’s Life for this Wagon

This family says they always do so something to dress up their child’s wagon. Something spectacular, I’d say!
E.T. Phone Home

This nostalgic E.T. costume requires a kid old enough to both ride a bike and to have seen E.T. I’m guessing this kiddo is a model and that most kids who can appreciate/handle E.T. are in the 7-10 range. My son was 9 or 10 when he watched it.
Regardless, the costume is super simple, requiring only a bike with a basket, a red hoodie, and an E.T. stuffie.
Thomas the Train with a Cardboard Baby Sister Train

Oh, cardboard boxes, you get me every time. SO versatile! This image came from a slideshow on LilSugar with even more stroller costumes.
Garbage Truck Wagon

I think this might be nirvana for preschoolers. BE A GARBAGE MAN? The base appears to be a wagon. Genius. Got a crafty retired grandpa? Email this to him, stat!
Cabbage Patch Doll

A woman in my community shared a photo of her daughter dressed as a Cabbage Patch doll and I think it is a precious idea!
Your little doll can ride in a stroller, which is straightforward, or you can craft a whole Cabbage Patch doll box to go around the stroller, like this one that I pinned. Or, use a wagon, like pictured above.
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