Whitney and I had an amazing weekend at BlogHer 08. We hobnobbed with old friends and new ones (like Grover from Sesame Street and Anna from MommyPoppins) and were going going going until dark each night (no, not really until dawn like some other folks, but past our kids’ bedtimes just the same).
This is not the post to tell you all that we saw and did and learned (a lot!) but rather this is a love letter to my husband, Alec.
Alec worked from home on Friday so he could do the preschool drop-off and pick-up himself unassisted. He sorted out dinner, bedtimes, lunches, and in-fighting. We checked in at the end of Friday and things had gone pretty well. Heck, the boys were in school from about 8am to 5:30 so I wasn’t all that concerned.
But Saturday was a different story… he had 12 full hours of playdates (that He Arranged!), diapers, meals (that He Determined), tantrums, and joys. When I returned from my last day of the conference just bubbling and bursting with ideas and enthusiasm, we spent at least 20 minutes recounting all the details of his day as he polished off a bottle of wine (also unassisted). Of course, I loved it. I wanted to know everything that I missed… but I also smiled inside to think about how I must sound to him on all the other days when he works and I stay home.
The next day, Sunday, Holden was so happy to see me he wanted to be in my lap almost the entire time. And Milo (with his toddler attitude increasing by the day) only had eyes for Daddy (of course, he calls us both “dada”).

Alec even rocks the swing set
I love and appreciate you Alec; you make it all possible!… and I think we’re going to do just fine when BlogHer 09 is in some far away land! 🙂
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