A local-to-us rookie mom, Jen, told us "The monthly shot (now on 2nd kid, too) with the same toy in the same chair is still going strong at now 33 months. (No, we haven't figured out when we'll stop. ... [Read More]
Search Results for: did-do
Rookie Mom Did-Do: Emily Henderson hits the flea market
Maintaining hobbies, friendships, spontaneity, it all becomes more difficult after baby. That's why we wrote up 52 challenges for Rookie Moms. In Activity #45, meant for someone with a 9 or ... [Read More]
Reader did-do: No-sew “Fauxby” wrap
Following the instructions we posted on how to make a moby wrap, the blogger behind Bake 'n Create made one and documented the process here. Have you taken any Rookie Mom challenges from your ... [Read More]
Reader did-do: Did-do list
I was delighted by Fitnessista's summary of her did-do list and all the reader comments on her site that followed that post. ... [Read More]
Reader “did-do” round-up (with photos)
Do you know what gets me really excited? Seeing evidence that our brainstorms over here are actually inspiring people to take action. Today I'm sharing three pieces of photographic evidence that y'all ... [Read More]
Reader did-do: DIY ball pit
Bec tried filling her Pack n Play with plastic balls as we suggested in a previous post, but it was a bust: her toddler hated it. Weeks later, however, his obsession with climbing into their ottoman ... [Read More]