Thanks to Pediacare for sponsoring our post today. They’ve enabled us to share with you a handy printable medicine dosing chart to tape inside your bathroom cabinet.
I know better than to put in writing that my kids rarely get sick. So let’s just say that I don’t have “how to care for a sick child” down pat. Can they eat whatever they want? Is jumping on the trampoline in the backyard allowed? Is it dumb to let them use all the crayons and scissors in the house so that whoever touches them next can be exposed to their germs? Should they watch unlimited television while drinking warm apple juice?
When I’m sick, I drive myself over to our nearby Jewish deli and get a container of matzoh ball soup that lasts for two or three meals. I eat that for lunch and try to drink water as frequently as I can remember. My kids have no interest in broth-based meals, so when they’re sick, I let them have juice all day, including a smoothie. I also make my daughter avoid dairy when she’s stuffy because I believe there’s a connection between congestion and dairy, but that could be all in my head.
I have good memories of being sick as a kid, my mom bringing me food and magazines on a breakfast tray in bed. She’d go to the drug store and bring home extra goodies, like nail polish or markers. I have no recollection of eating or drinking anything special though, and so far it’s looking like my kiddos won’t either.
Heather tells me that Milo likes to have a spoonful of honey, which is permitted on sick days because it comforts his throat.
Ginger is the name of the game for our online buddy Kristal. She says, “When we have sickness in the house, I put a pot of water on the stove, throw slices of lemon and fresh ginger in and let it steep all day long. I add more water and lemon as needed and we add honey to our mug. It really helps sick ones feel better and helps give those not sick a little boost. I also throw a few slices of ginger into the pot of chicken noodle soup I crave when we are sick.”
For the little guys who don’t like to drink Pediacare-type products or water, Heather reminds us to freeze the liquid into a popsicle and present it as a treat.
And finally, there’s old-fashioned booze. (But not for kids.) Kristal says, “Every night, I have a final mug of our ‘tea’, and add a shot to it, an extra kick to the cold for Mom and Dad.” She swears by it.
Disclosure: I am a paid brand ambassador for PediaCare, who want to spread the word about dosage requirements for fever and pain relief medicines. For more information about PediaCare products, please visit their Facebook page:
Photo Credit: marymactavish via Compfight cc
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