Did anyone else have a chaotic 2020? Yeah, okay, I think we can all agree on that one. If you are anything like me, you are looking to kick the new year off on the right foot with a fresh start. I have been on the hunt for ways to build new habits to make my family happier and healthier in 2021. One brand I am really excited about incorporating into our lives is Sprouted.
Sprouted plant-based diapers were created by a mama, Daniella Monet, who wanted better for her own baby. We were lucky enough to have the chance to interview her and ask what inspired her to create such an awesome product along with some bonus questions about her family’s vegan lifestyle!
Here is what Sprouted’s Daniella Monet had to say:

Tell us about Sprouted Diapers and what makes them different from other diaper options?
Aside from our diapers being free of parabens, natural latex, gluten, fragrances, alcohol, and lotion, they’re vegan, cruelty-free, and made with Plant-based renewable sustainable materials like untreated fluff pulp with chlorine-free processing, we really value our level of transparency. We want to create more conversation around the environmental impact of the diaper industry and protecting the health of our planet for our growing families. I think that’s what sets us apart.
Sprouted diapers are certified vegan. What does that mean?
Being certified vegan means we’ve gone through the extensive certification process with BeVeg, the only accredited vegan certification in the world. Many products are labeled “vegan,” but are not vegan certified. Due to my strict ethical standards, and my mission to create a more cruelty-free world, I pushed for us to go the extra mile and become vegan certified; the first diaper in North America to do so.
Why were you unhappy with other diapers out there and what made you decide to start your own company?

Sprouted was ‘conceived’ whilst I was pregnant with Gio and searching for quality, eco-friendly diapers to add to my baby registry. I just didn’t feel like there were any that really ticked all the boxes. None were vegan, which meant that they likely had a derivative from an animal either in the glue or manufacturing process, which I didn’t feel good about, but more importantly any Eco-friendly diaper I found felt stiff and uncomfortable. I teamed up with a company called Unstoppable to help me navigate the ‘birth’ of a 100% vegan, cruelty-free and eco-friendly diaper that was comfortable, breathable, and absorbent.
Tell us about raising a baby vegan. Is there any advice that you have for people just setting off on that journey?
It’s been such a beautiful thing to raise Gio vegan thus far. He’s been a big eater since he was born, and once we introduced solids to him – it was game over! I have so much fun cooking for our little family. My little bit of advice would be to not complicate it too much. Be mindful of offering well balanced, flavorful, colorful meals the whole family can enjoy.
Early on I would take a variation of Andrew and I’s meal and either mash it up or puree it, and that helped make things easier whilst also interesting Gio to a variety of flavors and textures.
A few simple nutrient-dense ingredients I like to have on hand to add to several different meals are, hemp seeds, ground flaxseed, chia seed, nutritional yeast, and even a clean plant-based protein for baking and smoothies!
We love the inspirational messages on the diaper packaging! What inspired you to include them?

Becoming a mom has shown me just how vulnerable and strong I am. Parents need support, encouragement, and a good laugh. Those messages are my way of reminding parents they’re not alone, and although the days are long – the years are short, and these stages are fleeting. Just like diapers. For those who grow with us, the messages on each size almost feel like a graduation from one phase to another, to eventually being off to potty training. It feels really special to be even the smallest part of that journey for families.
That’s a Wrap
We still can’t believe these diapers are vegan, made with strict ethical and sustainability standards, and yet still provide soft comfort and awesome absorption! Daniella Monet truly created a game-changing product and is such an inspiring mama, and we hope her words have helped you to feel more confident in whatever journies you are taking in this new year.
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