Have you ever been involved with fundraising? If you have, you know that it involves asking a lot of people for money over and over again. It can feel like you are pestering your friends. Possibly annoying them. It’s not easy. But no one ever created change without being a little bit annoying.
At the beginning of this month, I helped my homie Lisa kick off her fundraising campaign for Help A Mother Out, aiming to raise $25,000 by the end of May. I’m calling her my homie because she lives in Oakland. We sold tickets for a benefit tea in San Francisco, where Heather and I wore our cute Lesley Evers dresses.
Ok, let’s not get distracted with the pretty. Well, one more pretty thing. Each table captain at this tea (I was a captain — ahoy, mateys!) was responsible for bringing her own table settings. That is to say, I loaded up crystal plates, tea cups, and my inherited silver (first use after ten years of marriage! hooray!) in a wheelie bag and brought them to the venue. I brought candles and bamboo and made a pretty table for my friends who were kind enough to buy tickets.
Did I leave out the most important thing? What are we raising money for? For babies’ butts, people. We do it for the butts.
We, and other supporters of Help A Mother Out, can’t stand the idea of babies going without enough diapers to keep them clean and healthy. And not all moms can afford to keep their babies in clean diapers all day and night.
Good news here! Huggies has brought back their Every Little Bottom program, including hiring me and Heather as ambassadors to help spread the word about diaper need. Which means that you, my (Facebook/Twitter/blog-reading) friends, will be the recipients of our repeated messaging about diaper need and what you can do to help.
Let’s get started.
Diapers. Babies need ’em.
Over the next few months, we’ll give you different ideas for participating in the Every Little Bottom program, but today, I’m going to focus on my local peeps at Help a Mother Out who will deliver diapers to the folks that need them.
The goal is to hit $25K by May 31 (and we have $3,926.63 more to go). If we do, Huggies will reward Help A Mother Out with 100,000 diapers to aid in efforts to help homeless and needy families.
If you want to help cover *every little bottom*, please click through to donate. (We are a few thousand dollars short as of this writing.)
The fun part: Share a picture of your baby wearing just a diaper and we’ll use the photos in upcoming posts about diaper need. Either paste a link to the picture in the comments below or post the picture on our Facebook page.
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